Spinner and Harness Classes
How this helps?
The figure skating spinning simulator is an innovative training system created for professional sport. The simulator will allow the skater to improve their sense of coordination, which is necessary for all aspects of figure skating. Some skaters have natural strength and balance that will take them through the lower levels of figure skating. Still, the majority of skaters need to improve upon each of those attributes to progress to higher levels. A skater’s core strength and jumping strength requirements in the sport of figure skating are remarkable, and the skater will need to build strength beyond what he or she naturally has. This simulator will help the skater achieve faster speeds during the spins. This will allow the skater to do more complicated spins. The number of quality of jumps will improve rapidly, and at the point that the skater will be ready to jump higher, and it will be easier for the body to adjust to double and triple jumps.
This Class will offer a VARIETY of off-ice jump techniques, with spinner/ harness work, and mobility/cool-down
Off-ice jump technique
Learn proper form and technique on the floor from single through triple jumps. Perfect your jump rotations by working on a mix of quickness /timing exercises, and air positions.
Spinner and Harness
Work on your balance, form, and all while gaining faster rotations with modern technique in proprioception, reflex, and air positions exercises while using the latest equipment for figure skaters of all levels.
Mobility & cool-down
Learn how to properly stretch and cool-down to help with recovery.