Register for the upcoming test session in 3 easy steps!
Test Date: January 29, 2021
Registration Deadline: january 24st, 2020 11:59pm
1) Fill out the online form here:
Fill out the form completely and accurately. Please obtain all required signatures. If the skater is under 18 years of age, a parent signature is required. If the application is missing information, it may be discarded. Full payment must accompany all test applications. If paying by check, a $35 fee will be levied for all returned checks. Payment must be in USD. If paying by check, we cannot accept checks drawn on foreign banks even if in USD. Visit our club website for the test day schedule which will be posted approximately 1 week prior to the test day.
PLEASE HIT THE "SUBMIT" BUTTOM ABOVE SO YOUR ONLINE FORM IS RECORDED. When entered correctly, you will see the "submit" button change into a "thank you." If you do not see "thank you," please review your form and try hitting "submit" again.