Registration for the upcoming test is almost complete.
2) *** have a home club officer send an email to for approval stating that the skater is a member in good standing. skater will not be allowed to test unless received***
why not Email your club officer now! Click on the new edge test email link which will generate an email. Add your club officer’s email in the “to” field and request a response.
3) Payment:
first click on the $25 Judges fee. Then click "Back to testing" above the purple box. continue adding an "out of club fee" if you are not a first club NEFsc member, and add each test that your skater is taking. When done, click "check out."
Click here to pay online
pay by check - click here to download pdf worksheet and mail in with check
Applications are processed on a first-come, first-serve basis, with NEFSC members taking precedence. No refunds will be issued unless the test day is canceled.