Here at New Edge Figure Skating Club, we offer memberships for skaters and coaches.
We welcome skaters at all levels. Whether you are learning Basic Skills, are perfecting Senior level Freestyle or Gold Dance, or are an adult skater pursuing your passion for this sport, we have experienced coaches and flexible ice times to meet your need.
All forms must be fully completed online and membership fees and applicable opt-out fees must be received to complete your member registration. Payments may be made online or by check. Please note that NEFSC does not pro-rate memberships.
All ice sessions are managed by the City of Royal Oak and all ice payments are due to the City of Royal Oak. Please refer to the Ice Time page for further details. We look forward to having you as a member of the New Edge Figure Skating Club.
To register, please click on the link below to select your membership. Families joining as a Full Member that have more than one skater must add a "Full Membership" as well as an "Additional Family Membership" to their cart.
Have questions regarding membership or having issues with the online form? Email:
In order to complete your registration you will need the following information:
Credit Card for online payment (or select option to pay by check)
Skater's USFS number(s)
Skater's Medical information - physician name, address, and phone number
Coach's name and phone number/email
Types of Memberships
Coaching Memberships
First Club Coach Membership 2020
SeCOND Club Coach Membership 2020
Club Permission and Password is Required for Signup